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A1 Posters images are available FREE. Just email which one you would like and I'll send you a high resolution images and then you can print it to a size that suits you. I use the Poster Factory for these types of prints. OR...


If you want me to print the poster for you they are available in a variety of quality finishes - Choose a theme and then scroll through and have a look. A1 is (59.4cm x 84.1cm) and price starts at $52.95 with a photo quality gloss finish. Fast and free delivery in a crush proof cylinder. Something to stick up on the wall is a great gift idea.

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Steve Fitz is an artist painting a vivid picture, an environmentalist and activist.

I acknowledge the Worimi People, traditional owners of the land where my studio now stands.

Hoot Gallery Est. 2007 © Copyright 2024

Studio: 41 Crawford Street, Bulahdelah 2423 NSW

E: Mob: 0406 581 132


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