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S P A C E   P A T R O L

Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no woman has gone before!... I'll start by orbiting Alpha Centauri and then head over to the holiday house on Jupiter. Space Patrol is something different and totally futuristic to reflect the new high tech world we live in and will look great up on the bedroom wall. A1 Posters now available - Click the image.

A1 POSTERS go to >>> Space Patrol - City Lights - Bike Rider - Steam Punk 

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Steve Fitz is an artist painting a vivid picture, an environmentalist and activist.

I acknowledge the Worimi People, traditional owners of the land where my studio now stands.

Hoot Gallery Est. 2007 © Copyright 2024

Studio: 41 Crawford Street, Bulahdelah 2423 NSW

E: Mob: 0406 581 132


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