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E X P L O R I N G   T H E   A R T I S T

2024 Exhibitions

(1) TEN MOIR GALLERY -  May/June 2024
Behind the Mask exhibition Winner Best in Show
May 2024 for Rococo Punk - MOXIE

(2) DOYAL ART AWARDS - 27 June - 7 July 2024
Rococo Punk - NOVA  Figurative Finalist 
Encounters - DRAMA   Figurative Finalist

EXHIBITION - We Dream in Color:

12 July - 23 Aug 24
Dreaming of the Orient 01
Dreaming of the Orient 02

EXHIBITION - Echoes of the Earth:

13 Sep - 25 Oct 24
Encounters - Rite of Passage
Encounters - Secret Places

Encounters - View to the Future

Encounters - DRAMA

Double Page Spread Aug 2024 Spring edition
Matriarch of the Modern Man & Encounters

Rite of Passage & Secret Places


Open Theme - 15 Aug 2024

Tenderness 01 - Finalist

Rococo Punk - SABLE - TBA

The 17th International Salon

Matriarch of the Modern Man

Semi-Finalists Announced: September 17, 2024

I'm a great believer in supporting the arts and we can do that by viewing and participating in art exhibitions. 


From one generation to the next, the way the world is run has not changed. With the internet and social media, what has changed is our awareness. The veil on human nature has been lifted and we see a world being destroyed by greed and the battle for money, power and control. The only way I can see, to balance the ugly, is to expose the darkness and add some beauty to the world.


I have always had a strong sense of fairness and justice and that coupled with being creative has lead me down a path of using art for social messaging. When topics are taboo art becomes the vehicle to attract public attention to a story that needs to be told. 

Together with PLANET A2025 and Matriarch of the Modern Man my art style encompasses both social messaging, environmental awareness and timeless beauty, making the works both thought-provoking and visually captivating.



For me, finding art was an exploration. You explore your creativity with different styles to find out who you are and what you love and go where it takes you. You look for what you are most comfortable with and what becomes your passion.


Photography sparked my creativity and I developed my art from there. This evolved into servicing the top end of the Sydney advertising industry in the area of photo composite, retouching and darkroom special effects before computers or photoshop. 10,000 hours in the darkroom creating magic from an art directors imagination. Production managers expected picture perfect, with the mind set that consumers like to associate with perfection. So, over 20 years last century picture perfect was in-grained into me. It's where I come from.


With my current series I produce a digital montage, using all my previous image creation skills, and use that as a template for brush work reminiscent of the renaissance masters to create startling realism. I love the 'Fine Art' style, it's me. I have gone full circle from picture perfect to painterly and abstract then back to picture perfect. And once again have found my place and it's paradoxical different.


In the 19th century, around the time of the advent of photography, picture perfect was still the norm and impressionists where the rebels. I've turned that on its head. My 'Fine Art' realism in the style of Romanticism rebels against the now norm and the painterly status quo which suits my rebellious nature, in a subtle and unpretentious way, and flows into my work as required.


If I have a story to tell that is best suited to contemporary or impressionist style then I will wonder down that path as seen in my latest series' "Greek Gods", "Oceanids" and "Power of One".

Art Timeline


BODY OF WORK 2000 to 2022

(1) Photography 

(2) Ferns

(3) Minimalist

(4) Abstract

(5) Raw Landscape

(6) Seascapes

(7) Earth Storm

(8) Still Life Caribbean

(9) Articles - Activist

(10) Planet A2025


(11) Matriarch

(12) Neoclassical

(13) Rococo Punk

(14) Encounters

(15) Pixies Series

(16) Mythology

(17) Costume Drama

(18) Greek Gods

(19) Tethys' Oceanids

(20) Power of One

(21) Space Time

Previous Exposure


2006 Village Living Gallery exhibition, Canon Photo 5 Competition Top 10 Finalist from 5,000 "Anne' and the Red Balloon", 2007 Avalon Community Center exhibition, 2008 Archibald & Winn Prize entries, 2009 Village Living Gallery & Pittwater Life editorial,  2010 Archibald & Winn Prize entries, 2011 Panoramic images x 10 commissioned by Manly Community Center,  2012 Chelsea Lane Gallery and Manly Daily editorial,  2013 Mission to Seafarers Art Awards, 2014 Paddington Art Prize entry,  2015 Art in the Park exhibition,  2016 Picture Theater Arcade Art Gallery exhibition, 2016 Avalon Market Day sales. 2017 Manly Daily editorial and exhibition at Avalon Art Gallery in remembrance of our dear friend Edgar Britt donated to Avalon Community Library Sept 2018, Mixed Palette new series exhibition Avalon Recreation Center 17th - 19th November 2017, "Exhibition By The Pool" - Avalon tidal pool art display this summer 2017/18,  June 2018 - Bird Cage on display at TAP Gallery. Bluethumb on-line art gallery from January 2019 Featured Artist. Contemporary Art Gallery On-line 2019 all photography winner 1st place. "PLANET A2023" distinguished work published in ArtAscent Vol 43 Sensuality - July 2020. "Party with Picasso" distinguished work published in ArtAscent Vol 44 Abstract - August 2020. Front cover Pittwater Life November 2020 edition "Finding Diamonds". Front cover Pittwater Life April 2021 edition "Barrenjoey Dreamtime". Winner Best in Show Ten Moir Gallery May 2024 Behind the Mask for "Rococo Punk - Moxie" . Doyal Art Awards June 2024 - Figurative Finalist Rococo Punk NOVA & Encounters - DRAMA. Art Lovers Australia Melbourne Gallery exhibition 12 July to 25 October 2024 We Dream in Colour Exhibition "Dreaming of the Orient 01 & 02" & Echos of the Earth Exhibition 4 oil paintings from Encounters Series. Finalist Ten Moir Gallery Aug 2024 Open Theme for Tenderness 01. Double page spread Art Edit Magazine Spring edition AE40 2024 Figurativism.

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