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Tethys is a Titaness who symbolizes the life-giving and sustaining power of water in ancient Greek mythology. She is often referred to as the goddess of the sea, but more accurately, she is linked to the sources of fresh water that sustain life. The daughter of Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth), makes her one of the twelve original Titans. She is the wife of Oceanus and together they are said to have produced the rivers and the Oceanids; water nymphs, more recently mermaids, who personify various rivers, lakes and oceans.

What you are viewing is an oil painting or, a digital montage used as a template to create an oil painting with brush work reminiscent of the renaissance masters working at the edge of realism and impressionism. One only of each work will be produced regardless of the size you choose. Allow 3 to 6 months for completion. Price includes artist hand made black and gold protector frame, delivery within Australia and a painting that will add mystery and beauty to your life.

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