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M A D   C O W S

Well, here I am in scenic Bulahdelah setting up my new art studio. I'm 30 minutes west of my favorite surf spot at Seal Rocks (Treachery), just south of Boomerang and Blueys Beach. Bulahdelah is a quiet sleepy little country town in Worimi Country at the foot of Bullah Dillah Mountain (Great Rock), in my front yard, and the Myall River meandering through the valley in my back yard. I was scratching my head on how to capture this wonderous little place, forgotten in time, and since wide open spaces and cows are the order of the day, I though I'd give it a shot... Back to the simple life and minimalist... "Bloody Moo Mate from Bulahdelah".

One off original oil on canvas 40cm x 60cm AU$975 by commission - Allow 3 months. Price includes artist frame and delivery.

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